by Miller | Jun 10, 2016 | Missions |
Mission to Uganda, October 2016 We are headed back to Uganda in October Stephen Miller Speaking in Uganda. A photo from our 2013 trip. Signing $10...
by Miller | May 14, 2016 | Missions |
Mission to the UkraineApril 2016 Stephen with members of Light for the World Church, a dynamic Evangelical Church in Nikolaev. Stephen visited a military hospital in Nikolaev Stephen visited a pediatric rehabilitation center in Odessa. Stephen signing a book for...
by Miller | Feb 10, 2015 | Missions |
Mission to East AfricaSeptember 2013 Motorcycles were our transportation in Busia, Uganda. Stephen preaching with a translator. A very powerful and spirit filled church. Stephen with children at a school in Kampala, Uganda. A small playground near the Kampala...